{ student programs
student fellows
Middle and high school students participate in year-long, challenge-based learning experiences designed to solve real community problems. At the beginning of each experience, community leaders identify a challenge and invite Student Fellows to solve it during the school year. Students work together to investigate the challenge, build digital skills, and create actionable solutions. Student Fellows present their solutions to the community at the end of the year.
structure overview:
Authentic, challenge-based learning experiences that solve community problems.
Community leaders issue a challenge to middle and high school Student Fellows and ask them to solve it
Student Fellows investigate the challenge and collaboratively create solutions using digital skills
Student Fellows share their actionable solutions with community leaders who evaluate the work and offer feedback
code clubs
Ed Farm’s Code Clubs exist to empower all children to learn how to code and to create the opportunities for their generation and beyond. We accomplish this by partnering with schools and community-based organizations to provide weekly and bi-weekly coding workshops for students, tailored towards the specific needs of each individual community.
{ student entrepreneurship camp
Birmingham Promise High School students participate in a semester long apprenticeship with Ed Farm where they expand their knowledge of digital tools and professional skills while supporting Ed Farm’s mission. Apprentices learn about future career opportunities in the technology, nonprofit and education sectors, and connect with several professionals who are currently working in diverse fields. During the semester they enjoy entrepreneurship, design, and coding curriculum as well as career development skills adhering to NACE Career Readiness Competencies:
- Critical Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Oral/Written Communications
- Teamwork/Collaboration
- Information Technology Application
- Leadership
- Professionalism
- Work Ethic and Career Management