We grow digitally fluent learners through an ecosystem of programs and environments for K-12 educators, students, and the workforce.
Launched in partnership with Apple and Alabama Power Foundation in 2020, Ed Farm is a 501(c)(3) organization that empowers educators, students, and adult learners to not only thrive in today’s digital age, but prepare for the advancements of tomorrow. Through tech-focused programming, leading-edge learning environments, and innovative tools, Ed Farm is on a mission to close the growing digital skills gap in communities across the southeast and beyond. Headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, Ed Farm is part of Propel Education alongside Propel Center.
By 2030, 90% of jobs will require digital skills[1] — yet today’s workforce is underprepared. This starts in the classroom with only 10% of teachers reporting confidence in teaching advanced tech skills and just 25% of 5th-8th graders proficient in digital skills[2][3]. At Ed Farm, we’re on a mission to close this growing opportunity gap, empowering learners of all ages with the knowledge and confidence not just to keep up in the digital age, but to lead it.
We’re proud to serve learners across the Southeast and beyond
Ed Farm launched in February 2020 - in Birmingham, Alabama - and in partnership with the Apple, Inc and the Alabama Power Foundation. Since our launch, Ed Farm has increased our footprint to serve learners throughout the southeast and other parts of the U.S. Our dedicated team is committed to providing digital education and professional development to educators and learners of all backgrounds, especially those who are traditionally underserved in urban and rural areas. Our programs are immersive and integrate technology into classrooms and learning environments through the challenge-based learning framework. As we work to increase access to and attainment of digital skills for all learners, we invite you to join us as we create an inventive world where all people have access to the tools they need to fill our create the jobs of tomorrow.
Partner with Ed Farm to close digital skills gaps in your school or community